I would like to extend to you , a warm welcome to Hogarth Academy.
I am humbled, proud and privileged to be the Headteacher of our wonderful school.
At Hogarth Academy, the children are the stars; they are friendly , happy and proud to learn at our school. Children at Hogarth have a genuine love of learning ; ask them about our Creative Super Investigator days!
Children at Hogarth know their role is to use their brain as hard as they can all day every day in school and visitors always comment upon how quiet and purposeful our learning environment is, as well as how well behaved, polite and well mannered the children are at any time of the day.
We are continuously developing and refining our curriculum to ensure it is exciting and challenging for all our pupils. We aim to broaden our pupils cultural capital and deepen their knowledge through excellent pedagogy , visits, visitors and new technology thus ensuring learning is committed to their long term memory.
You will see this in action as you look around our school. The website gives you a taste of what happens in our school – if you would like to know more, please book an appointment via the school office on 0115 915 0106.
We look forward to welcoming you to our school.
Sarah Lee
Watch the video to find out more about our school
The latest Ofsted inspection , May 2024 determined that Hogarth Academy remains a good school , with high praise from the inspector…
“Pupils respond enthusiastically to the school’s high expectations. They are keen to work hard and learn well. Pupils’ behaviour is positive. The curriculum is ambitious.”
Please click on the link to read the report in full.