
Hogarth Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The school will, in most circumstances, endeavour to discuss all concerns with parents about their children. However, there may be exceptional circumstances when the school will discuss concerns with Social Care and/or the Police without parental knowledge (in accordance with Child Protection procedures). The school will, of course, always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents.

The school’s safeguarding and child protection policy is available in the policies section of the web site as well as above.

Ms Sarah Lee , Miss Marie Cooper and Mr Calum Stewart are the Designated Leads for safeguarding.

Our safeguarding governor is Mr Errol Henry
All staff and governors have safeguarding training.

The Headteacher has ‘Keeping Children Safe on Line’, ‘Recognising & Preventing FGM’ and ‘Child Sexual Exploitation’ training. She also has ‘Safer Recruitment’

We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism. Staff and Governors have taken the appropriate training to fulfil their roles in this.

Further advice and help can be sought from:

NSPCC: If you have concerns about the safety of a child then contact the NSPCC helpline on 08000280285 or email

NSPCC Resources
Children can talk to someone for advice and support at any time by contacting ChildLine on 0800 1111 or chatting to a counsellor online at

For the best interests of all our children we use the following safeguarding measures:

Cause for Concern
Teachers are asked to report any causes for concern to the School Safeguarding Team using an online system called myconcern. Any concerns will be shared with parents as early as possible as more often than not there are extremely reasonable explanations for the concern. Concerns may range from children being visibly upset to persistent lateness to children ‘disclosing’ concerns.

All lateness and absences are recorded by the Attendance Officer. Reasons will be sought for all absence or lateness. Attendance is monitored through these systems and referrals to the Safeguarding Team can be made. Parents will always be informed of concerns around attendance at the earliest point. If attendance concerns continue the school will refer to the Education Welfare Officer.

Since the publication of the Prevent Strategy, there has been an awareness of the specific need to safeguard children, young people and families from violent extremism. There have been attempts to radicalise vulnerable children and young people to hold extreme views including views justifying political, religious, sexist or racist violence, or to steer them into a rigid and narrow ideology that is intolerant of diversity and leaves them vulnerable to future radicalisation.

Keeping children safe from these risks is a safeguarding matter and should be approached in the same way as safeguarding children from other risks. Children should be protected from messages of all violent extremism including, but not restricted to, those linked to extreme Islamist ideology, or to Far Right / Neo Nazi / White Supremacist ideology, various paramilitary groups, and extremist Animal Rights movements. Prevent, in the context of counter-terrorism is intervention before any criminal offence has been committed with the aim of preventing individuals or groups from committing crimes.

Behaviour statement for visitors to school, including parents and carers

Hogarth Academy strongly believes that our school should be a welcoming and safe place for our children, staff, parents and visitors alike and that our parents share that belief. We have legal responsibilities for the safeguarding and well-being of children and staff, and a duty of care to all users of our school.

All adults who enter our school site at any time set examples of behaviour and conduct which influence children and young people and we believe that they should therefore demonstrate high standards of conduct in order to encourage our pupils to do the same. Parents and carers must show respect to all other parents and carers, children and staff.

Adults who do not behave in an acceptable manner may be asked to leave the site and the Headteacher has the right to further restrict their access.

Behaviour which is regarded as unacceptable includes:

  • Physical abuse, threatening, oppressive or aggressive behaviour or use of offensive language towards other adults, staff or children
  • Entering the school site under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Smoking anywhere on the school site
  • School-related issues which parents or carers have concerning school, pupils or their families must be brought to the attention of a member of staff. Parents or carers must not try to resolve any issues themselves by direct action on site. If issues cannot be successfully resolved by speaking to a staff member, parents’ and carers’ correct course of action is use our Complaints Procedure as appropriate
  • We expect all communication between parents and school to be conducted in a polite and respectful manner. Communication may be similarly restricted if it becomes unacceptable.

If you have any concerns for the safety of any of the children at school please consult the Headteacher.

Safeguarding Documents