The Government has announced that it will not publish any school or college level educational performance data based on tests, assessments or exams for 2020, and has outlined accountability arrangements  for 2020/21. Further information on what this means for the way school and college accountability will operate for 2019/20 and for 2020/21 can be found here.

School Results 2021/22

We are incredibly proud of all our children in all year groups for their progress and attainment in the academic year 2021/22 given the past two years . The outcomes for national data are as follows


Phonic Screening Year One 80% WA

Ks1 SAT s  Reading  87% EXS  27%GDSWriting   83% EXS  20%GDSMaths    90% EXS   30% GDSComb     77% EXS   20% GDS

Ks 2 SATs Reading 76% EXS 21%GDSWriting 90%  EXS 24% GDSGPVS      83% EXS 31% GDSMaths    83% EXS 17% GDSComb     76% EXS     7%GDS

School Results 2018/19

We are proud of all our pupils’ achievements both academic and personal this year.


83% of our children achieved GLD, above last year’s national average by 12 %

7% achieved the higher level of GLD +.

Year 1 Phonic Screening

96% of our year one class attained the working at the expected standard, above the national average by 15 %.

KS1 SAT Teacher Assessments


93% of our children achieved the expected standard in reading and 48% attained greater depth in the subject.


93% of our children achieved the expected standard in writing and  38% attained greater depth in the subject.


93% of our children achieved the expected standard in mathematics and 41% attained greater depth in the subject

KS2 SAT Test Results


83% of our children achieved the expected standard in reading and 24% achieved Greater Depth


86% of our children achieved the expected standard in writing and 31% achieved Greater Depth

GPVS 90% of our children achieved the expected standard in GPVS and 38% achieved Greater Depth

Mathematics 90% of our children achieved the expected standard in mathematics and 24% achieved Greater Depth

Combined total  83% EXS and 24% GD

Progress from KS1 results shows a positive outcome again for our pupils this year with progress scores as follows:

Reading           +1.0

Writing           +2.7

Mathematics   +1.0

Well done to all our pupils and staff at Hogarth Academy