Hogarth’s Job Shop

Job Title: Playground PALS
Vacancy: Summer Term 2022
Positions available: 3 KS1 pupils + 6 KS2 pupils

Job Description:
The playground PALS will need to assist all pupils and support teaching staff during break times. You will be expected to monitor safety and ensure that children are having the best break times possible. There will be a game of the week that you will need to share with others and encourage positive playtime experiences for all. A rota will be in place to ensure the shifts are fair, however if you would like to help out as an extra shift this is also possible.

Job requirements:
The successful candidate must be friendly, approachable, supportive and enthusiastic. You will be attend PALs meetings weekly, to discuss GOTW and whats working well or could be made better.

1 credit per shift, plus bonus credits available throughout the term of employment

Job Title: Dinner PALS
Vacancy: Summer Term 2022
Positions available: 8 KS2 pupils

Job Description:
To assist midday supervisors in helping in the hall at lunchtimes, safely and efficiently. You will be required to be available every day at 11.55am in the dining hall where you will be under the direction and supervision of the midday supervisors. You will need to support younger pupils with behaviour and table manners in the hall whilst encouraging them to complete their meal. You will need to make sure the areas/tables are clean and ready for the next classes to come in.

Person specification: experience of working with younger children would be an advantage, although training will be provided. Excellent table manners would be expected to set an example to other students.

Salary: 1 credit per shift, plus bonus credits available throughout the term of employment

Job Title: Gardener/Groundskeeper
Vacancy: Summer Term 2022
Positions available: 6 KS1/KS2 pupils

Job Description:
To create an excavation area in schools grounds for pupils to dig and discover. Ideally gardening experience or knowledge about how to keep plants healthy will help when maintaining the allotment areas and brightening the landscape/outdoor areas around school.

Person specification: a love for nature and the outdoors. You must be responsible and trustworthy as you will be in use of small hand tools and gardening equipment. Patience and nurture is essential.

Salary: 1 credit per shift, plus bonus credits available throughout the term of employment

Job Title: Tuck Shop Assistant
Vacancy: Summer Term 2022
Positions available: 2 KS1 and 4 KS2 pupils

Job Description:
To manage and run a tuck shop for Hogarth academy alongside the cook. Quick maths skills will be essential here to calculate costings, change and stock levels. Good Hygiene and cleanliness is also a high priority and good customer service also.

Person specification: Mathematical skills are essential and able to cope in a demanding job. Trustworthy and responsible with cash on site and will need to bank with the office. Record keeping of stock in/sold and future orders needed. A close working relationship with the cook is also required.

Salary: 1 credit per shift, plus bonus credits available throughout the term of employment

Job Title: Eco Team
Vacancy: Summer Term 2022
Positions available: 2 KS1 and 4 KS2 pupils

Job Description:
Are you passionate about helping the environment and making Hogarth as Eco friendly as possible? We are looking for people who can empower and motivate pupils to drive change and improve environmental awareness in their school, local community and beyond.

Person specification: Leading assemblies to communicate our progress, ideas and actions. Keeping the Eco Notice board up to date. Collecting the paper and card recycling bins daily. Producing posters and displays Visiting other organisations to find out about environmental sustainability. Liaising with other schools and organisation.

Salary: 1 credit per shift, plus bonus credits available throughout the term of employment